Safer Steps for Kids: Reducing Radiation Exposure on Children

Radiation exposure is especially concerning for the young ones. At their age, their rapidly growing cells, organs and tissues are more sensitive to radiation. Children also have more time ahead of them, which means more time for the radiation effects to develop and manifest.

One example is CT scans. A CT scan uses many X-rays to provide images of what is hard and soft inside our bodies. According to a study published in PubMed, there is a higher risk of developing cancer in later life if the person is exposed to CT scan radiation as a child. 

Although any person of any age can experience the harmful effects of radiation, adults should take measures to protect children as they are not very much aware of radiation safety. Here are some ways:

Limit unnecessary imaging

In general, the benefits of every imaging test outweigh the risks but people should always avoid unnecessary medical procedures that involve radiation exposure. Parents should keep track of their kids’ imaging tests so they can discuss their history if a new test is recommended by the doctor. Speak with the child’s doctor about alternative imaging methods, such as ultrasound or MRI, which do not involve radiation. Ask about the benefits and risks of each test.

Adjust the dose

Using the same equipment and exposure settings for adults may result in excessive radiation exposure when applied on smaller patients like children. An X-ray image or any imaging test should adjust depending on the specific type of patient receiving the exam. 

Use protective equipment

When a child needs to undergo a medical procedure that involves radiation, parents should make sure that they wear protective apparel to avoid unnecessary exposure. Examples include lead aprons which are usually designed creatively for children to decrease their anxiety. There are also thyroid collars for dental X-rays that are wrapped around the patient’s neck.

Monitor screen time

Although more studies are being conducted on the effects of phone radiation, one can never go wrong with monitoring a child’s screen time. Parents can limit their child’s exposure to electronic devices that emit radiation, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Encourage outdoor activities and other non-screen-related activities to reduce exposure.

Real Time Radiation Monitoring

SensaWeb is passionate about making people feel safe and assured in their workplace. By providing radiation monitors with clear visualisation of that data to medical facilities, we can help health organisations and the communities around them be confident in their safety and the benefits of imaging technologies.

Looking for area radiation monitors or personal radiation monitoring devices? You can count on SensaWeb. With our monitors, you can easily detect and interdict radioactive materials. 

Connect with us here or at our email address: You can also call us at +61 415 409 467.

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