Managing Radiation Exposure of Healthcare Workers and Patients

As the field of medical imaging advances and expands, the risk of radiation exposure is something that we cannot simply understate. 

In radiology, healthcare facilities use equipment such as X-rays to detect and diagnose diseases and guide many forms of medical treatment. 

For hospitals and other medical facilities offering these services, it is essential to have a working radiation monitoring system to limit the exposure of healthcare workers and patients.

Radiation is an invisible hazard that medical physicists, radiologists, and radiation safety officers should together prepare for. They must ensure that the dose to each patient is as low as reasonably achievable for the clinical purpose of the examination. 

Ionising Radiation Sources

Today, the most common human-made sources of ionising radiation are medical devices like X-ray machines. 

Ionising radiation is the type that can travel in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. It can come from both natural and human-made sources. Natural sources are soil, water, and vegetation while human-made sources include nuclear power generation and medical devices. 

Low doses when delivered over a long period of time can be beneficial in medical treatments, especially for cancer patients. The lower the dose rate, the lower the damage risk. That is why it is important for healthcare facilities to constantly monitor radiation exposure. 

SensaWeb’s radiation monitoring technology can benefit medical facilities with its simple data visualisation and automated immediate alerts.

Increasing Safety and Assurance in the Hospital

We’re passionate about making sure people feel safe and assured at their work. By providing radiation monitors with clear visualisation of that data to medical facilities for free; we can help health organisations and the communities around them be confident in their safety and the benefits of imaging technologies.

With the increased data collection, there is greater visibility of invisible hazards. With greater visibility, organisation control is improved.

The SensaWeb solution automatically captures radiation measures continuously, requiring no input from end-users. Staff members are set up in the system upon installation. If there are any exposures above a determined level, alerts will be sent immediately to the relevant staff member. Unless there is a critical issue we don’t expect there to be any change to processes during procedures. Being able to review the data afterwards will provide a greater ability to change or adjust to limit future exposure.

SensaWeb’s Collaboration with Hospitals

The SensaWeb team has expressed its goal to make positive changes in the community. One way is to partner with hospitals and healthcare facilities in implementing radiation monitoring protocols. It has been a part of Ipswich Hospital Foundation’s Community Innovation Circle (CIC), helping in improving the health sector in the West Moreton region.

With the backing of the Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas grant, SensaWeb also offers a 12-month free radiation monitoring implementation for QLD-based health centres.  

If you’re interested in participating in the radiation monitor project, register here.

Looking for area radiation monitors for your business operations? SensaWeb got you covered. With our monitors, you can easily detect and interdict radioactive materials. Connect with us at or our email address: You can also call us at +61 415 409 467.

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